THE HARMONIOUS NEW MOON IN LIBRA: FINDING BALANCE IN NEW BEGINNINGS As the new moon wanes into darkness and ushers in a fresh lunar cycle on October 14th, we are graced with the New Moon in Libra.  Libra, ruled by the enchanting planet Venus, symbolizes harmony, partnership, and balance.  This New Moon in Libra provides […]


October 11, 2023

New Moon in Libra

There is a full moon coming up on June 3rd. Harness the energy! 5 Tips To Harness the Energy of the Full Moon 1- Let go of unwanted habits, people or circumstances! 2- Get a haircut; it’s believed that your hair will grow stronger and thicker! 3- Plant trees or fruit plants and watch them […]


May 26, 2023

5 Tips To Harness the Energy of the Full Moon

5 Tips To Harness the Energy of the Full Moon

The Solar Eclipse new moon on December 4, 2021 is in the sign of Sagittarius. This closes a cycle that has been going on since May 2020. Sagittarius rules truth – truths will spill out.  This eclipse brings with it a very creative higher vision energy, its a great time to break limiting beliefs. This […]


November 29, 2021

New Moon (Solar Eclipse) December 4, 202: What you need to know

Today’s Libra full moon in Aries is when the balance of karma gives you your fair share.  Transformation is happening in our relationships.  This intense (fiery) energy is asking us to make decisions & Libra doesn’t like that.  Aries energy can either be loud & demanding or assertive & empowered.  Take advantage of this fiery […]


October 20, 2021

Astrological tip: Libra full moon in Aries (10/20/2021)

Tonight’s full moon in Pisces at 7:54 p.m., ET is occurring in the dreamy and creative sign of Pisces. A full moon occurs when the moon and sun are exactly opposite from each other in the sky. In this case, the full moon in Pisces moon will activate the Virgo sun. These two energies together […]


September 20, 2021

Full Moon in Pisces (Sept 20, 2021)

“Beware of people who make you think you’re holding a grudge, when you’re really holding a boundary” -unknown


August 12, 2021

Inspirational Quote

There are 4 Elements that align with Astrology The elements are vital to astrology.  Zodiac element meanings vary, and they influence each zodiac sign greatly by each person. You may know there are 12 signs of the zodiac, but do you know the element of each sign?  There are four elements; fire, earth, air, and […]


May 12, 2021

Astrology & the 4 Elements