What Retrograde Actually Means: What You Need to Know About Retrogrades

  1. […] (If you need a refresher on Chiron, check out this post and for a refresher on Retrograde, check out this post.) For instance, Chiron went retrograde in Aries in July of this year. During this retrograde you […]

  2. […] is currently retrograde in Gemini and will station in a direct motion on January 12th . These past two months has felt a […]

  3. […] is much more detail about Mercury going retrograde on December 29th in the last blog. Keep in mind that Mercury isn’t going direct until January […]

  4. […] underworld causing us to deal with some deep seeded old wounds.  This energy has been fueled by retrograde Mercury & Mars, exposing truths and all that has been hidden and out of sight in the […]

  5. […] goes retrograde in Taurus on April 21 – May 15.  This is the time to actually go back in time and discovery old […]

  6. […] a retrograde refresher, check out this post. First and foremost, be clear in your communications and if things are not clear, ask questions for […]

  7. […] entered Aquarius, in March and will be retrograde from May 1st – October 10th.  During this transit will give us all an opportunity to make real […]

  8. […] Moon is coming off of a very fierce eclipse season that transpired during a rough and rocky Mercury Retrograde.  The New Moon in Taurus acts as a calmness, soothing our frazzled nerves amidst unsettling or […]

  9. […] retrogrades back into Capricorn where it will remain until January 21, 2024.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn […]

  10. […] be full of ideas, and our calendars full of appointments.  Then we have industrious Saturn going retrograde in Pisces on the 17th, which may not be the best time to overpack or schedule, start important […]

  11. […] may also want to refer to prior blog post from November 2022 for more details about “Retrogrades” and […]

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